July 02, 2004

Che Gue'

A True Revolutionary


Anonymous said...

a beautiful thing

Kannappan said...

of course

Anonymous said...

VIVA Revolution

Anonymous said...

He was against freedom; he murdered friends as well as enemies, mostly cowardly executions. When he was finally in a real war he was shot down like the mad dog that he was. He murdered fathers in front of their children. He was SCUM.

Anonymous said...

Erik I'm argentinian and we can talk about Che Guevara, and i can give you a class of what we was.. because he was a hero... read something before talk about someone... like El che...
Mi mail is elche_mdq89@hotmail.com if you want contact me..

Anonymous said...

che was a model guerrilla his life long dream was selfless... he wanted freedom for every hopeless and downtrodden citizens of the world.. long live the proletarian revolution...


Anonymous said...

I just like to say that erik is an arrogant Yankee. He is the typical American who doesn't think outside the box(his country). In the hearth of the beast Che Guevara is admired greatly by those who share his ideals, his love for humanity, and his hate for the beast, but there is many more who insted hate him and everything that he represents, people like erik, who don't know how to read but they have alot of toys, his parents are middle class lay-z WASPS fatteing thier bodies at the local burger king.

Anonymous said...

im not saying che guevara was a saint but he fought for what he believed in and in the long run thats about all of us can do whatever we do someone is going to disagree with it be it what they think or what thier told.So he fought for his views and the freedom of people he didn't have to he just did we might not agree with the guy but you can't dis him for being what he is

Anonymous said...

To Eric...you are the most redneck...dumbasss...mother fucker...what a fucking coward..

Che was a brave and pure gentlemen...he livs on in every person's heart has a hero of revolution...viva la Che!!!

Anonymous said...

Che Guevara was best lider of freedom and peace all over the world . Che guevara ti ja ma i miri . Kosovo nids one lider like you .

Anonymous said...

ne jemi dy adoleshent nga kosova edhe pse ky emer esht i pa njohur per boten nuk kjo rendsi ..
diqka mat veqant qka kishim dasht me cek per ne osht se chgevara nuk osht nr 1 por ehst i vetmi per ne dhe do te jet edhe me tutje LAVDI PER chegivaren .Viva che. MASARI dhe FATJONI.
If sombady want to speake with us aur emails ar masari_@hotmail.com and fatjOOn@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

im a 13yr old english girl and i would like 2 say that even though i may be young i know my stuff about che and think he is completely wonderful and what he done was completely heroic and eric dnt leave comments when your the only one who thinks bad of such a wonderful person. thanks x

Anonymous said...

i agree with everyone but eric he is a perfect example of an AMERICAN DICKHEAD!!! Che is my hero my idol so FUCK YOU ERIC!!!

Anonymous said...

i agree with everyone but eric he is a perfect example of an AMERICAN DICKHEAD!!! Che is my hero my idol so FUCK YOU ERIC!!!

Anonymous said...

Hasta la victoria Siempre!!!

"Sò che sei venuto per uccidermi. Spara, ucciderai solo un uomo." Ernesto Che Guevara

Anonymous said...

I'm a brasilian girl, I agree with Erik...
I agree with Che, I love Che Chevara and his history!!!

Anonymous said...

erik go back to your goddamn trailer park and put on ur garthbrooks cd cuz noone wants to hear wat u have to say about a subject u have no understanding of. you obviously have never read any books or even looked into what che did for his people so fuck off you dumbass redneck muther fucker.

Anonymous said...

I am American, i will admit it, but i truly do not like my country whatsoever. People like Eric are setting up a sterotype for my country. I hate my ruler now, George Bush, but my country was born from revoltuion, but i still will not defend it too much. my country has become a mess, with fat people littering the streets, and racist people polluting out country. People do not even bother to open up an ear to people like Che. Che, is my utmost hero, and my idol. Eric, is a normal american. probably fat, and is the most patriotic thing ive ever heard. Che is a true fighter, a great person, and a true revolutionary. Hasta la victoria siempre, viva la Che.

Anonymous said...

and if you want to contact me, you can get me at shotgun655@aol.com

Viva la revolucion

Anonymous said...

I´m a Brazilian guy, 21, and I had been inspirated by Che a lot of years ago. He´s an example of the men we have to be when we want to reach justice and fight against the imperialist exploration. We must defeat G.W.B. government and all those assassins and terrorists (not the poor Iraq people, but the bloody hands from yankee´s and beasts from the New World Order)

Union has been made in the South America, with Lula (Brazil), Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Fidel Castro (Cuba), Nestor Kischner (Argentina), Evo Morales (Bolívia), Alejandro Toledo (Peru) and Michele Bachelet (Chile), all socialist governments, countries that have been explorated, manipulated and stolen from the US government (although there´s a lot of decent people in the USA) all these years.
Our time has come. A big resistance will emerge from the strongest pact the South American block will ever make, a Che Guevara and my personal dream....


Anonymous said...

GO Che fans
he was a great man
great person
down with Bush
USA stands for nothing i would like my children to be
its just bad

Anonymous said...

viva libertad

Anonymous said...

abajo yankies capitalistas que no conocen el verdadero rostro de la pobreza arriba latinoamerica unida porque no somos mas peropodemos jalar mas parejo!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm writing an article about Che.. Does anyone have great information 'bout him? like the small anecdotes you know? I love Che..

Anonymous said...

thechestore.com has a brief and a full biography, so you can find out more about our hero (except eric). down with america!

Anonymous said...

I am an american and i hate american imperlisim. America thinks they are right, they never are. America thinks they can do wtf ever they want. che lives!
fuck you erik, che was a hero who fought for what he belived in, i spit on americans like you

Anonymous said...

I am an American through and through and to be quite frankly Erik you are a capitlist pig just like bush and almost every american in the US. Please ignore Eriks dumbass and remember there is alot of people like him,but on the flipside there is alot of people like me,that love Che and everything he fought for. Che was a fighter and gave extreme hope to the people that had none. Though i hate fidel Castro, Che is the greatest revolutionary hero of our time,shit of All time to be honest. Che tought us to hasta la victoria siempre!!!! and protect our freedom because without it we are all truly dead inside. Not only was he a revoutionary hero he was the master of guerrilla warefare. Let the banner fly for Che always and forever,because a man with such courage and will to help people that exceeds the limits of a normal human being should never be forgotton. Viva Che para siempre!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

comrades don't let the white man fool you again eric is probably the owner of this web site. i see that you all refer to americans without knowing that when the fucking thief of christopher colombus got to the americas he gave the name and there's was no fucking white meat by then so that means that the real americans are no fucking europeans the real americans are us the indians please who evers background is indian stand up don't let the white meat boss you around we should boss those motherfuckers around because we own the americas it's only one from south to north george alexa...........

Anonymous said...

while I agree that che was a great person, although ruthless at times (perhaps deservedly so), so many of you post comments that tie all americans to trailer parks, burger king, and egotism. America is not about that, it is about freedom and many of the things that che stood for. i am in no way condoning many of our policies, but we are not all the same, politically, morally, and socially, making america a great nation. Please do not bash all "yankees' because we are not all illiterate redknecks and cannot be pigeon held by those of you who do not understand us. I do not intend for this to be spiteful, but of reassurance that we (you, me, and many americans alike) are of the same mind and in support of those like che who stand for good and fight taht which is evil. Bashing all americans seems strikingly similar to erics comments in that you found your "understandings" on sand and have no concrete understanding of the average educated american. i hope that this post will be informative and that we both can gain understanding of each others perspective. nothin but love here, thanks for your time.

Anonymous said...

to the inmigrants(whites)welcome to the americas and the revolution and i salute my fellow 21 year old brazilian brilliant and smart thank you for that comment. in the mind of every person in the north south america is the worst poor piece of shit continent which is not true first of all america is one continent is not divided and it will never be like che said
"it's only fiction" we will gain power by uniting ourselves we've got everything south america is a coffing where the aristocrats and imperialists take and barely asking everyithig is written we are the smallest horn and we will take over HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE.... george alexa....

Anonymous said...

el che was the most complete human being of our time, he was incorruptible, absolute and ready...erik EAT SHIT cos you SUCK LIKE A FUCKEN DUMBASS IDIOTIC LIL AMERICAN SCUM FUCK..

viva la revolucion

Anonymous said...

Interesting there are so many fans of Che.

One wonders why the revolution hasn't moved very far since there are so many willing fighters for the cause.

Oh, right, I forgot. Easier to talk trash than get your hands dirty.

You're all cowards. You sit in your little rooms, smoking mj and feeling very deep and intelectual because you read a book somewhere.

You're worthless! Che would prefer you went back to worshipping the pop musician of your choice rather than polluting the air with your worthless drivel.

Anonymous said...

Che Guvara was a hero and he was also a man. He fought for the betterment of mankind and he also fucked around with various women.(heck he was one hell of good looking revolutionary lol)

In short CHE was a odinary man with failings trying to do extraodinary things.Maybe we all should try to be like che, be the miracle and not wait for the miracle.

Anonymous said...

For all u ignorant people out there Erik is the only one who knows his history!
Guevara firstly wasn't evn american he was spanish! he was known 2 kill many people, this is just a mythcial story made up of him being a 'freedom figher'
if u actuli read up on his history u wud know that he was a dictatorship.
The image has stolen all the meaning. Guevara has been completely subsumed by a culture that he hated.Guevara is a false hero. He is an adolescent fantasy, not a mature role model. That his "virtues" are nowhere chimed more loudly than by the dictator in Havana just makes them that much more hollow.

Anonymous said...

To claim the failure of revolutionary who succeded years ago and who's efforts to establish a counrty free from imperialism have continued to prove fruitful is absured. True, the image of Che has become a marketed symbol of capitalism, but that does not change the man and his ideals. his revolutions took place during an era when weapons were an effective voice. As we are all learning, killing is passe and no movement now can survive if it is willing to include human lives as part of the cost. However, every movement and every foreign political involvement costs the lives of thousands of people, either directly or indirectly. Possibly you should examine history from more than one textbook. History will always be told from the victor, and if you only read American textbooks Castro is the Devil and anyone associated with him demonic. If you read Cuban textbooks socialism will always be the answer. Look what the US has done to South America with the Pan American act. Look at the atrocities of the United Fruit Company and all the Eisenhower andministation that was supporting it. Look what happened when the US supported military regimes in South America. Who were the terrorists? No wonder people give us a bad name, most Americans don't even know who Che is exactly, let alone what he stood for, or even what communism and socialism really are or the distincitons between the two. Stop buying symbols without knowing the history, stop making america ignorant and read. Learn to inform yourself.

Anonymous said...

wanted inmigrants.....

description: butchers, tall, blonde hair, colored eyes, europeans wannabe americans

please call 1800-deporthem

Anonymous said...

most of the niggers work for the parking violations dept. i really think that is the most fucked up job because everybody sees you as an enemy and the worst thing is that they call it a career..is this the way to apreciate how the whites draged you all the way to the americas.. please stop being a fucking muppet they are using you like always this is the time to open your eyes

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

south america and the middle east support north america

Anonymous said...

north american history is a rip off and is the biggest lie i've heard

Anonymous said...

well i hate to say this but i hate americans like erik. Americans like you give americans like me a bad name. Che was a freedom fighter. Dont think for a second that he didnt know the consequences fro rebillioning against batista,but yet he didnt it anyway. Why? because he wanted to help pepole from the terror of opression. Before any of you redneck bastards talk look up histroy about Che and youll see that Ernesto Che Guevara influenced and gave hope to nations that opressional goverments can be conquored. Che is a my hero and never will i let people talk bad about a person with such courage as Che's. So keep your fucking redneck mouths closed becuase apparently you dont know shit. Hasta la Victoria Siempre. Viva Che

Anonymous said...

Well, in this subject I have to make a comment, because my country was socialistic, Che was our guest in past time, and my fatherland did suffer in American agresion '99. I'm an Serbian, and it realy hurts to see twisting history facts, and how an realy big and pure soul like Che became market goods. Eric is stupid, non-educated worm, so he can't understand what are U talking about - because he IS STUPID. Stop comment his fencefull mind. But, because someone here want to talk about Kosovo, I also have a few words - remember Richard Hollbrook, CIA's ex-agent visiting KLA HQ, giving them support in exodus of Serbians, calling 'world police' America & NATO to bomb Yugoslavia without permision of SC? So, any more serbian land U wanna sold to Americans to build another Bondsteel? A few more kilo's C4 U wanna sell to BBC reporter? A few more white slaves U wanna offer to "peacekeepers" from child-fucking countries like Holland and Belgium just to close there eyes when U R smuggling cocaine and heroine from Afgan's fields?

Anonymous said...

To be a freedom fighter doesnt mean to be a bandit, its just not the same! Che is my icon, and I prey God to send someone like him again on earth! If US government hated him (for obvious reasons), every friend of US government is my enemy! Stop parasites and rotten capitalists! Viva Ernesto Che Guevara! Hasta la Victoria Siempre! Smrt americkim kuckinim sinovima koji misle da se sloboda i dusa kupuju dolarima!

Anonymous said...

To get alot of info on Che, go to thechetore.com, and click on the "che guevara" buttom on top and read the full biography. you may find out a few intresting facts about him.

Anonymous said...

i dont give a flying smeg wot some redneck american called eric or acopel of skin heads say che guevara is my 1 and only idol

Anonymous said...

Believe me, i am Arabian, Muslim, & i admire Che Guevara. it is not about religion anymore, it is about freedom & humanity. some of u may disagree, but to me i think that the source of all evil is the Lack of Freedom & justice. I believe that the main cause of terrorism is NOT religion as most people think, but Tyrany & lack of freedom. we all want to be Che Guevara, fight for freedom, liberate ourselves of oppression & economic exploitation. in my country we are enslaved by tyrants,Kings, pricesses, and those dogs who eat their leftovers. u know why we hate the American Govt, because each time we want to get up & knock that tyrant of our backs, The U.S. Govt pops up and support his back. we are fond of freedom, justice, equality, we want to be friend & loved by everyone. But first, let us knock those fatty ass kings, pricesses, &oppressors of our backs. Yes, i am a saudi & i admire Che Guevara, what else u want to be besides ur name on every tongue & been spelled oneday by lots of blacks, whites, Asians, Europeans,Russians, Christians, muslims, budhists, and might some animals have said the word "Guevara"

hasta la victoria siempre

Anonymous said...

he is a hero and looks cool on t shirts too

Anonymous said...

Although I have nothing against che, I would like to point out that no hero truly lives up to there reputation. That is why they are a hero- a larger than life character that people look up to and idolise. If any of met chein reel life, youmay be dimayed at how he may act towards you.

I am not claiming to know his inner thaughts, but I can safley say that no one wises to be idolised to the level that he is.

Aditionally, it is one thing to idolise him, but simlpy listing him as your hero will make little to no difference in the world. Perhaps you should get out there and change it!

Now, I'm not implying that none of you are doing anything, for all I know, some of you may be busy helping starving children in africa, or running your own gurilla campeign.

If anyone wishes to engage me in a friendly debate/discussion, contact me through MSN (catatonic_falafels@hotmail.com) or on LiveJournal.com under 'Feral_messiah'.

Have a nice day all!

Anonymous said...

i think that erik should get a life. if he would actual read some of the stuff that che wrote, he would find out that che was a caring, unselfish man that did everything he could do to liberate people from dictators like batista. incidentally, batista was supported by americans and he killed a lot of people, so erik shouldn't criticize the revolution for deaths. che was a hero and he will always live on in the hearts of the faithful. as marxist theory says, the world will eventually fall to socialism. erik, go take your redneck ideas and crawl into a hole in your trailer park.

Anonymous said...

Viva La Revolution! NOT I will never support Fascist Dictators. So you think America is an Impearlist coutry what do you think would happen if Che brought communism That worthless piece of trash you call Argentina.

Anonymous said...

modern pilgrims inmigrants. prepare for the true american union in N.Y.C. 1st of may

Anonymous said...

To all of you that don't know hat revolution means, it means that it's time to make sacrifices and Che did, he sacrificed other peoples lives aswell as his own to defend his ideals. If it weren't for him the world but have been a very different one, even more polluted by America then it already is. And he wasn't only spanish, he was Irish too. Just like they say for his friend Camilo, hombre del pueblo al pueblo. Nobody has ever had the courage to follow his path, but nobody can deny all the good he has done for this world. And before even posting a comment on this one, READ a book before you speak so that you should be taken seriouly. If you have ever read a book of his, any of his diaries you should know what I'm talking about. patria o muerte !

Polotik said...

Che Guevara fue un asesino que, dicho por los mismos hombres que lucharon en la Sierra Maestra contra la dictadura Batistiana, mato cubanos innocentes sin juicio, con su pistola. Vea el documental en Español, en las palabras de los revolucionarios que lo cononcieron bien de cerca!

Todos los entrevistados lucharon con el Che, con Camilo Cien Fuegos, con Huber Matos, o con los moviemientos estudiantiles, or del 26 de Julio.

¡Aprendan bien la historia, y dejen de comer mierda!

El Che: Anatomia de un mito


Polotik said...

Che Guevara fue un asesino que, dicho por los mismos hombres que lucharon en la Sierra Maestra contra la dictadura Batistiana, mato cubanos innocentes sin juicio, con su pistola. Vea el documental en Español, en las palabras de los revolucionarios que lo cononcieron bien de cerca!

Todos los entrevistados lucharon junto con el Che, con Camilo Cien Fuegos, con Huber Matos, con Fidel mismo, o con los moviemientos estudiantiles, or del 26 de Julio.

¡ Ojo, No son Batistiano's cochinos. Son revolucionarios que desenmascaran al Che.

¡Aprendan bien la historia, y dejen de comer mierda!

El Che: Anatomia de un mito


Freddy'S said...

I agree with the statement that some people need to read first before drop an opinion about el Che. Also, I do not blame other's people ignorance because it is not my business. I believe that Che was a pure image of what people should be. His ideals are still among us...

Anonymous said...

I see first time your site guys. I like you :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!

Anonymous said...

Sad. So much hatred in most of the posts here. What kind of person claims to be right, then says "fuck you" to all others? A bigot.

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